- Nick:awfully
- Varsta:16
- Primele 7 cifre din CNP:5080715
- Localitate:Fagaras
- Ocupatie:Elev
- Steam (ON/OFF):on
- Ai dat JOIN serverului de Discord (click) (DA/NU):da
- Ore jucate [click]:100 +cate mii cu steam off
- Intervalul de activitate:in general seara
- Ai citit regulamentul?(Da el ce o citi de mine?) :))
Hello awfully,
Welcome to GODSCS ROMANIA. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask owners: @BLACKPEARL / @Scuze / @Lidia
awfully joined on the 05/30/2024.
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