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    Everything posted by LEGEND

    1. Welcome to MixCs - Mix-Area. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

    2. Welcome to MixCs - Mix-Area. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

    3. Welcome to MixCs - Mix-Area. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

    4. Welcome to MixCs - Mix-Area. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

    5. TE ASTEPT PE TEAMSPEAK3 - TS.MIXCS.RO / CANAL FUN - AICI AI LINK DE DOWNLOAD TS3 => https://www.teamspeak.com/en/downloads/#ts3client
    6. Welcome to MixCs - Mix-Area. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

    7. Welcome to MixCs - Mix-Area. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

    8. Welcome to MixCs - Mix-Area. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

    9. Welcome to MixCs - Mix-Area. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

    10. Welcome to MixCs - Mix-Area. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

    11. Welcome to MixCs - Mix-Area. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

    12. Cererea care nu respectă modelul afișat va fi respinsă în timp util de către un Fondator sau un Administrator. Aveti timp 14 zile sa va rezolvati serverul si sa incepeti sa-l populati, astfel suntem nevoiti sa stergem serverul de pe aceasta comunitate. Dorim servere care au cel putin 5 playeri pe server, nu servere goale ca sa fie de umplutura. Server-ul dvs. nu trebuie să aibă mai mult de 3 boți. Numele dvs: IP server: DNS: Tipul jocului (CS:GO, CS 1.6, SAMP): Modul serverului: Număr de sloturi: Firmă găzduire: Deținători Principali (numele de pe forum): Deținători Secundari (numele de pe forum): Link GameTracker.com: Adresa de contact (mail, facebook, steam): Recomandat de (numele persoanei care va recomandat forum-ul)*: Prin afilierea la comunitatea MANIACS, veți beneficia de următoarele: DNS: NUME.MANIACS.RO Raspuns la cererea de afiliere în maxim 24 ore DNS-ul activ IMEDIAT dupa acceptarea cererii de afiliere Se creaza sectiune pe Forum la Servere Publice Online pentru serverul tau de CS 1.6, CS:GO, SA:MP etc. Se adauga gradul de Manager Server si acces de moderare pe sectiunea serverului pana la maxim 6 persoane de server Suport rapid pentru orice modificare a categoriei pe forum Suport tehnic pentru serverele cu vechime de minim o luna Canal permanent pe adresa de TeamSpeak a comunitatii cu pana la maxim 5 sub-canale Pentru orice problemă sau nelămurire puteți contacta orice membru al administrației prin PM. Serverele afiliate au dreptul sa aiba maxim 5 detinatori si maxim 6 Manager Server! Criterii pe care trebuie sa le indepliniti pentru afiliere: IP-ul serverului sa nu fie banat pe GameTracker.com Serverul trebuie sa fie inscris pe GameTracker.Com si GameTracker.Rs Numele serverului trebuie sa contina MANIACS.RO in nume Inscrieti-va serverul in grupul de GameTracker al comunitatii [click aici] Serverul si pagina de GameTracker.Com / GameTracker.Rs nu trebuie sa contina reclame catre alte forumuri Acceptam Servere aproape de la orice firma de host ce are 32 sloturi pentru servere clasice, minim 24 sloturi pentru mod-uri diferite si 14 sloturi pentru MIX-uri Daca doriti mai multe informati intrati aici : TS.MANIACS.RO Cererea de Sub-Forum se face in categoria Forum Management. Echipa MANIACS.RO
    13. RO: Nick: Varsta: De unde esti?: De cand joci counter-strike?: O mica idee pentru comunitate?: Ai un hobby?: O parere despre comunitate?: De unde ai auzit de ManiaCs.Ro: Poti Intra pe Teamspeak3?: EN: Nick: Age: Where are you from?: Since when you play counter-strike?: A little idea for the community?: Do you have a hobby?: An opinion about the community?: Where did you hear about ManiaCs.Ro: Can you join Teamspeak3?:
    14. Welcome to MixCs - Mix-Area. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

    15. Welcome to MixCs - Mix-Area. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

    16. Nume: Dovada: Ora: Data:
    17. LEGEND


      Fiecare ADMIN isi va crea propriul topic cu banurile date! [Obligatoriu] Nume Topic: BanList "NICK ADMIN" >>Nume: >>Ip: >>SteamID (daca exista) : >>Data/Ora : >>Motiv: >>Dovezi (print/demo) :
    18. Cerințe: Să posteze doar cel care a luat / dat ban-ul Titlul topicului trebuie să fie [MANIACS] Cerere unban NUME Folosiți numele propriu Să respecțați modelul și titlul cererii, astfel încât să nu fim nevoiți să închidem cererea sau mai rău, să emitem avertismente Să se evite postările multiple și redactate total pe lângă subiect. Acestea pot fi permise doar în cazul în care se dorește adăugarea de informații noi Pentru poze vă rugăm să folosiți IMGUR / POSTIMAGES Pentru demo accesați MEDIAFIRE / FILE.IO Model cerere unban Vârsta: Link profil Steam: STEAM ID (https://steamid.io😞 Ora și data banului: Cine te-a banat?: Data și ora faptelor petrecute: Pentru ce ai fost banat?: Dovada:
    19. • Nickname: • Age: • Steamid: • Discord: • Gametracker hours link: • Link Wargods: • Have you read the regulations?: • The experience: • Can you be active on forum/discord?: Mandatory conditions: -The name of the title should be as follows: Request admin nickname -To have an appropriate behavior. Follow the model or the application will be closed automatically!
    20. The following situations are sanctioned with a permanent ban for: Using hack/cheat, script (DEMO Proof). Intentional advertising to other servers/forums/sites (DEMO Proof). Lines over the maximum allowed in CFG (300 maximum lines allowed) Everything that exceeds this number can be considered a possible cheat. 1. Vulgar or offensive language used on the server is sanctioned with GAG 5-10 min and can reach up to 180 min. 2. To announce a possible coder use say_team - u@ + its name. 3. The game is FREE RUSH/CAMP as long as the idea of the game is respected - Plant/Defuse C4. 4. If you notice that an admin is using a hack/cheat/script, give him a demo and contact a Founder urgently. 5. If an admin uses inappropriate vocabulary, take a picture of him and contact a Founder immediately. 6. Both players and admins are not allowed to monitor or reveal the position of other players on the server. So here we have additional RULES : 1. Admins are required to check the forum daily to give their opinion on Unban Requests / Admin Requests / Complaints etc. You have a maximum of 24 hours to respond to a possible unban request/complaint. 2. Retrying after the gag is no longer punishable by a fine. The gag remains automatically even after players log out. 3. Take seriously any player announced on [ u@ ] ! If you want to play instead, maybe the degree isn't for you. You have the obligation to move to the spectators, start the demo and after a few conclusive phases ask for WarGods or take pictures. 4. If the player reported on u@ has been verified several times and came out clean each time, you have the duty to notify the complaining player via the psay command that the complained player does not have any type of code. 5. Admins are not allowed to intervene on another admin. If you still can't handle it, you can ask higher-ranking admins or leave the situation to the more experienced ones. 6. Respect players with a higher rank than you and follow their advice. If you think they are doing something wrong, contact one of the Founders/C.E.O. 7. Do not abuse the commands: [ amx_say ] / [ amx_tsay ] / [ amx_csay ] . These chats are used strictly for Information / Announcements! 8. If an admin starts banning players and/or admins from the server, ban him, then contact a Founder urgently. (SS or DEMO beforehand) 9. If an admin offended you or used a command on you - make a printscreen and post to ADMINS ONLY - Do not argue with him/do not use commands on him. 10. The amx_votemap or votemapmenu commands are only used if the current map has just been played. The vote is not given before consulting with the admins present on the server. Before voting check the latest maps by typing /maps. The vote is given automatically through the voting plugin, but if you notice that the voted map is not beneficial (the players leave) you can always intervene on the vote and change the map. 11. You are not allowed to ask UP +1 to the degree. At the end of each month, your activity is checked and then it is determined who is promoted/deranked. Only those involved + server management are allowed to post in a complaint. 12. It is prohibited to borrow and use an access by a person other than the one for whom the degree was created. Any deviation from this rule entails the deletion of the degree. 13. Respect each other and the players, avoid arguments on say or amx_chat as much as possible. If someone made a mistake, explain it nicely, without having a superior tone. 14. If you have problems and will be absent from the server for a period of more than 5 days, you must announce it on the forum in the ABSENCES section. 15. Do not ban the IP class. Only if it is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY and the ban should be a maximum of 30 minutes. (Who will be caught banning an IP class for a longer period and not banning your class gets REMOVE!) 16. You need the sequence "MIXCSRO" for your admin request. 17. Admins can only be verified by the FOUNDERS or C.E.O. 18. All admins are obliged to have the same name both on the forum and on the server to avoid some confusion. 19. Both players and admins are not allowed to monitor or reveal the position of other players on the server. 20. Reserved name requests as well as admin campaign requests are accepted by a Founder. 21. When banning someone, give as clear a reason as possible (Wall/Aim/Speed/Language), they will appear in the panel. Reasons like: Bye, get out, sal, insults, etc. will be sanctioned. 22. If a complaint has been made to an owner or co-owner, it will be resolved by a higher level. 23. Any program that may give you an advantage over other players is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you get caught doing this, you get REMOVE + PERMANENT BAN without discussion.
    21. Welcome to MixCs - Mix-Area. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

    22. Welcome to MixCs - Mix-Area. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

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